Essential Tools you should have in your Toolbox!


A quality toolbox is a must-have for any budding DIYer. They can cost as little as $30, depending on the brand and the size. 

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Small Tools

Among the items, you'll need a set of Allen keys, a measuring tape, electrical and duct tape, a knife, a pencil (or a few if yours goes missing). You'll also need a spirit level because no one wants wonky shelves and a decent saw.

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Invest in a good screwdriver set that has a variety of sizes in both Phillips and flathead styles. Screwdrivers can be used for more than just tightening screws - they can also be used for opening paint tins, levering small items, scraping, picking, and more.

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An essential tool in every toolbox is a classic builder's claw hammer. You should be able to grip the handle comfortably and handle the weight easily.

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Next on your list should be a cordless drill. It will make DIY projects simpler than fiddling around with hand drills and screwdrivers. Apart from drilling and driving screws, you can also use purpose drill bits for specialty tasks such as sanding and cutting.

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In order to apply paint and lacquer, the surface will almost certainly need to be sanded down beforehand. Save time and energy by investing in a handheld sander to create a perfectly smooth surface.

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Depending on the type of work you'll be doing, you'll require different types of saws. Bow, coping, and toolbox saws are great for small jobs, but if you need something with more power, a jigsaw would be a good place to begin. They're perfect for following curved patterns, especially curved shapes and patterns. If you are looking for something to handle large tasks around the house, such as new decking or flooring, choose a circular saw or miter saw.

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Safety Gear

Make sure you have the right safety gear for all your DIY projects: a good pair of work gloves to protect your hands, a good pair of safety goggles to shield your vision, earplugs with a high decibel rating, a mask appropriate to the type of dust, fumes, or paint you'll be working with, as well as steel-toed shoes.

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Painting Tools

DIY painters should start with a set of paint brushes, rollers, paint trays, and roller handle extensions. Spray guns will provide a superior finish, but they require specific application techniques to prevent running and other problems.

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Angle Grinder 

Angle grinders are worth investing in if you plan on doing a lot of DIY, including metalwork. Tradies from nearly every industry use them, so it makes sense that DIYers should, too. As with cordless drills, there are many different attachments available for different tasks. They can be used to remove paint and rust, clean, polish, and cut metal. Additionally, they can be used to sand, shape, and carve wood, as well as sharpen garden tools.

Shop Angle Grinders