Kick off Spring!

Spring is the perfect time to get out in the garden! We're big believers that gardening should add joy & not stress-to your life!

Stepping back into the garden after a long, winter can be overwhelming. There are plenty of tasks to start handling now if you want to get your garden in party-ready shape by the time the temperatures rise.

You can tackle the outdoors bit-by-bit when you have the time (or delegated to members of your household).

Spring is a fabulous time to assess damage from winter, fix tools, tend to your lawns, perform essential pruning, add a layer of much and get the place ready for the warmer months ahead.

We've come up with some tasks to get you reacquainted with your outdoor space.


  • Survey your backyard: Assess the damage from winter. Get rid of overhanging structures and cut down last year's foliage. 
  • Tune-up your tools: Give your tools some attention to make sure they are in good shape when it's time to work.
  • Got Gaps? Choose new plants for the parts of the garden that are bare. Square shovels are garden workhorses. They make work easy. A good spade will last you the rest of your gardening life! 
  • Pressure wash driveways, porches & sidewalks.
  • Make note of what you're missing! Order more tools for the new season!