RMZ250 RMZ450 RMX450 YZ125 YZ250 YZ250FX YZ450FX WR250F WR450F KLX140 KX250F KX450F CRF150F CRF230F XR125L CRF250R CRF450R CRF450X TE150 TE250 TE250i TE300 TE300i 250EXC 250EXCF 250EXC TPi 300EXC 300EXC TPi 350EXCF 450EXCF 500EXCF 89-21
Full LED Headlight RTech V-Face provide a sleek look whilst providing brighter, safer lights at night enhancing rider visability. Universal fitting with anti-vibration rubber straps. Fitted with 12v/35w LED light bulbs. White Black
Full LED Headlight RTech V-Face provide a sleek look whilst providing brighter, safer lights at night enhancing rider visability. Universal fitting with anti-vibration rubber straps. Fitted with 12v/35w LED light bulbs. White Black
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